Behavioral Activation

Behavioral activation (BA) is a therapeutic intervention that is used to ameliorate depression. This method is based on the belief that depression often arises from a lack of meaningful activities. When negative emotions arise secondary to trauma, we don’t feel good so we stop doing the things we love, and then we feel even worse. Behavioral activation uses specific tools to stop this cycle. Emotional well-being improves as a person re-establishes meaningful activities.

In the realm of BA, activities are evaluated and chosen based on life pursuits that are known to enhance positive emotions; these may include, but are not limited to a worthwhile occupation, physical activity, meaningful relationships with friends and family, having a life purpose, and engaging in pleasurable activities such as creativity in the areas of art, music, and experiencing nature.

How do you know if you have chosen the “right” activities? Simply put, the activities you choose need to be rewarding to you and give you something you value. Value implies anything that you enjoy, love, or get satisfaction from doing. Often, we base our values on what we think should be important to us, as dictated by society or our parents beliefs. Instead, your values should reflect what brings you pleasure and enjoyment and gives you a sense of accomplishment or mastery; something that feels worthwhile to you personally.

Goals are set for engaging in these activities and a self-monitoring system, as well as accountability with a partner, is established and tracked. Activities/goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant (based on your value system), and involve a specific time frame for completion.

Materials and information for learning about and practicing this therapeutic intervention are below. These booklets and worksheets are designed to help you make value based activity choices and track your goals. The following materials are taken from the Professionals Page at > Techniques > Behavioral Activation

Behavioral Activation for Depression

Individual Booklets

  1. Introduction to BA for depression
  2. Monitoring activity and mood
  3. Roadmap: The activation plan
  4. Finding direction: values,flow, and strengths
  5. Avoidance and the depression TRAPs
  6. Problem solving
  7. Thinking habits
  8. Next steps